Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Time on my hands

What am I supposed to do with myself?! It seems like when I have so much to do, there's always something else I'd rather be doing! Now that I have nothing to do, I don't know what to occupy myself with! I did the dishes...I need to put some clothes in the washer. Yeah, I'll do that now...

...5 minutes later...

Done. Now what? I could cook something, but what to cook? I could go somewhere, but where to go? I can't nap since I just woke up 3 and a half hours ago. Hmmm...I could do that schoolwork I still have to do, but I was giving myself a week off since I'm technically out of school. I guess I'll just clean my room.

Oh how I love having so much free time! I'll enjoy it while it lasts. :D


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